
Agnese Kazāka Embodies the Modern-Age Businesswoman, and Her Non-Linear Story May Be the Career Inspiration You've Been Waiting For

Linear stories of success are boring. Mostly, because they really are an exception to the rule and hard to relate to. In reality, when life shifts us, we start to ask ourselves questions — for example, this job does not fulfill me anymore, what next?

Agnese Kazāka asked this same question when Covid-19 started, and she understood she needed to quit. All she knew was that she wanted to spend more time outdoors. From this small decision, a bigger one was born: to co-found For Lovers & Trees, the iconic clothing brand for people who want the best of both worlds, to go from a hike to a business meeting in style.

In this refreshing conversation, Agnese reveals how she processes change and how she's been able to marry her interest in building brands with her personal life.

Interview with Zanda Purvišķe, Co-founder and Lead Designer at RainSisters

Zanda Purvišķe is now the Lead Designer of the successful and rising RainSisters brand, but this is a story of the underdog. Zanda studied to become an architect, only to realize that this path was not for her. Read her inspiring story on how she went from investing a couple of hundred euros in co-founding her business to running a booming e-commerce venture with 144k followers (by the time you read this, the number will surely have bumped up) on Instagram.

"When we started RainSisters, I think the biggest challenge was continuing despite almost everyone around us saying we wouldn't last long. They believed our product was too expensive and that no one would buy it. It was all about trusting our gut feeling."
